sexta-feira, setembro 26, 2014


The questions related to eroticism, pornography or art are always polemic due to the impossibility of tracing a frontier that separates them, in part due to the fact that they are intimately related with tolerance and the experience of the observer himself. I particularly like a definition that at times I referred to, according to the appreciation of photographers like Aaron Hanks and Vlastimil Kula.

We can afford to distinguish eroticism from pornography through participation, and not, from the observer in a sexual spectacle. In pornography there is participation through sexual arousment when eroticism itself brings that natural awakening of desire and is not the main goal of the literary or artistic material but to solicit a complicity from a distance, aiming basically at knowing what we want, the knowledge of desire and pleasure with, no limit, constitutes a form of pleasure.

Martin Kovalik is another photographer that forces us to perform the same exercise... But once again it is pertinent to question if we are before art or Pornography. Strong images...

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